A great article! I like the a lot of points, like what is coding, the abstraction, LLMs don’t make bad programmers better, and two schools of thought about how to learn to code. It definitely worth reading.
Some tips and enlightening insights for start a new biz:
"...Big hosts didn’t care and smaller players weren’t serious...So, to sum up, we won because we started at the right time and we had taste...".
A great article that explains the internals of Git commits. Interesting read!
Better understanding of how SSH(or TLS) works(and why it is designed the way it is), even I think it can be better if it can attach some more diagrams :)
The original design concept for Kafka.
Raft is a great algorithm for understanding the consensus algorithm of distributed systems.
I think it's a great resource for learning CS.
Visualization is a wonderful method for education.